Life is just a dream
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
pt. 13 - Losing Mind

nunca pensei que fosse tão dificil aceitar as pessoas como elas são...
"Wanting to escape
She had created a way to survive
She learned to detach from herself
A behavior that kept her alive
Hope in the face of our human distress
Helps us to understand the turbulence deep inside
That takes hold of our lives
Shame and disgrace over mental unrest
Keeps us from saving those we love
The grace within our hearts
And the sorrow in our souls"

dói tanto...só espero que um dia passe.
e que esse dia não demore tanto pra chegar.

Solitary Shell escreveu às 4:43 AM  
It´s Me

Name: Solitary Shell
Home: Recife, PE, Brazil
About Me: She's a Monday morning lunatic... Disturbed from time to time... Lost within himself... A momentary maniac... With casual delusions
Arquivo X
Good Question!

In the Afterlife,will dark be bright? Will cold be warm? Will the day have no night? In the Afterlife? will the blind have sight?

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